
My midnights have been terrorizing

For years, wretched thoughts tarrying

They said you’ll fall if you stare too long

That’s why I love my ceiling lifelong


I am feeling weary during the mornings

“I will slumber tonight” says I while yawning

Hah! How foolish of me to think such,

My eyes are wide open, the insides I can touch. So…


With all the hidden fears that keeps haunting,

You already know they keep my eyes from closing

Why is it have to be you adding a burden?

Now, my heart will be forever lost in this dungeon


Look at me while I stare at your eyes

Can you still see through them, the clear blue skies?

The universe with the sun and its glittering stars?

Or is it something you left? A memoir


Listen to my voice while with you, I laugh

Do I still sound me? Do I still do it like a riffraff?

Is this the sound of genuineness to you?

I only imitate yours like a cockatoo


Observe. Do you still hear me singing?

While touching your cheeks and lovingly smiling

Do I still take pride in the songs I sing?

Yes, I hum, but they are merely no-nothings


Watch me closely and kindly tell me

Do you still see the old me, caressing you willingly?

How can you be so coldhearted and numb?

How can I be so wholehearted and dumb?

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